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Celebrating UISG Teachers' Positive Discipline Tra

来源:江南官网app下载 时间:2024-01-23

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that the PYP teachers at UISG have successfully completed their Positive Discipline training.This accomplishment highlights our teachers’dedication to creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment for

 We are thrilled to share the exciting news that the PYP teachers at UISG have successfully completed their Positive Discipline training.This accomplishment highlights our teachers’dedication to creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment for your children.

  Positive Discipline is an approach to teaching that helps children develop self-discipline,responsibility,cooperation,and problem-solving skills.It is based on the understanding that children are more likely to be well-behaved when they feel a sense of belonging and significance within their community.This approach also plays a crucial role in reducing bullying behaviour,as it emphasises mutual respect,empathy,and conflict resolution skills,creating a school culture where bullying is less likely to occur.

  The benefits of Positive Discipline extend beyond individual students to the entire school community.It fosters an environment where students feel valued,respected,and empowered to take responsibility for their actions.This approach also promotes a sense of community and collaboration among students,teachers,and parents,creating a positive and supportive school culture.

  Positive Discipline offers several key benefits,including:

  •Promotion of Self-Discipline:It helps children develop self-control,responsibility,and problem-solving skills,empowering them to make positive choices.

  •Reduction of Bullying Behaviour:By emphasising mutual respect,empathy,and conflict resolution skills,Positive Discipline creates a school culture where bullying is less likely to occur.

  •Development of Cooperation Skills:It encourages student cooperation and teamwork,fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

  •Enhancement of Social-Emotional Skills:Positive Discipline nurtures children's social skills,emotional regulation,and empathy,contributing to their overall well-being.

  •Creation of a Positive School Culture:It fosters an environment where students feel valued,respected,and empowered to take responsibility for their actions.

  •Improvement of Teacher-Student Relationships:It supports positive interactions between teachers and students,strengthening the teacher-student bond.

  These benefits contribute to a positive and inclusive school community where students can thrive academically and personally.

  Parents can support the implementation of Positive Discipline at home by:

  1.Encouraging open communication and active listening with your children.

  2.Setting clear expectations and logical consequences for behaviour.

  3.Modelling respectful and empathetic interactions within the family.

  In the new year,there will be an opportunity for parents to learn about the Positive Discipline approach from an esteemed and highly experienced Positive Discipline trainer,Ms.Olivia.Watch this space for more information in future posts!Her video can be seen below:

  “Our gratitude goes to the expert trainer,Ms.Deborah Owen-Sohocki,who flew in from the USA to teach the Positive Discipline approach and plant the seeds for a school culture of positivity and a growth mindset.The knowledge and skills gained through this training have truly transformed our approach to discipline in the classroom,equipping us with effective classroom management techniques that support conflict resolution and our no-bully policy,whilst fostering our personal growth as educators.It has encouraged self-reflection and continuous improvement,reminding us to strive to better understand our students and their needs”-Kash Hardasani Y6 PYP Teacher

  We want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the teachers'unwavering dedication to providing the best possible learning experience for your children.Their ongoing pursuit of excellence in education is truly commendable.

  Let's join together in celebrating this significant achievement and the positive impact it will have on the UISG community!

  Jonathan Harris

  Assistant Head of Primary&

  PYP Coordinator




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